Saturday, December 10, 2011

Recent Runs

Well, it has been a while since I posted anything and my wife has been saying stuff to me about posting.  So, here it goes.  Running has been good recently.  I did take an almost two week break when I went to Israel and then the Thanksgiving weekend after that.  It hurt me some, my first three runs afterwards weren't real great.  But, the 3rd of December I ran a race in Columbia, Mo and got a PR.  I ran a 22.07 and was pumped.  My splits were around 7.08 but I could have done a little better.  I learned a  lesson about really paying attention to the course design.  I was in my last mile and was getting tired and I thought our end was coming at a certain point, but it didn't.  This really messed with my head.  There was some let down with not knowing how much farther we had and starting to get tired.  I think I could have run about 30 seconds faster.  But, I didn't and I got what I got.  I talked with Coach Mitchell and we are shooting for a 21.30 this next race.  I am running a race December 31st in Columbia with my wife!  My amazing, wonderful wife started running last week, it almost killed her, and we are planning on running together in the race.  One last thing.  With cold weather coming on me running in shorts has gotten me called crazy.  I ran past a girl, about ten years old, and she looked at me, looked at my shorts and then gave me a face like, "you're crazy."  Funny.